Civil engineer (10 yrs industry experience)

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Country Typical salary (£) 2012 Typical salary range 2012
Country Typical salary (£) 2012 Typical salary range 2012
UAE 61824 51516 - 72108
Australia n/a - typical salaries vary by region 33000 - 92400
New Zealand 51457 46311 - 61749
Italy 45769 41609 - 49931
Spain 54097 54097 - 58258
France 39939 37442 - 43266
Ireland 43889 41614 - 49922
Canada 57204 50848 - 63560
UK 42500 40000 - 45000
Brazil 62280 17300 - 69200
Singapore 59862 54873 - 69867
Hong Kong 56910 48707 - 73170
China 32396 25917 - 38875
Poland 36226 28981 - 48302
Czech Republic 18334 2716 - 20370
India 20007 17506 - 22507
Salaries converted to GBP at exchange rate on 20.03.12 as listed by
UAE only pay monthly salaries: annual figures listed for comparison purposes only.
Typical salaries vary by region in Australia.
South Africa, Portugal and Belgium excluded as lack of information available.
Tables do not take into account total benefits package.