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Percentage changes in tender prices by region
2Q99-2Q00 2Q00-2Q01
Scotland +5.5 +5
North +4.5 +5
North-west +4 +5
Yorkshire and Humberside +4.5 +5
West Midlands +5 +5.5
East Midlands +5 +5.5
East Anglia +6 +7
South-west +5 +6
Greater London +5.5 +5
South-east (excl London) +5.5 +5.5
Wales +5 +5
National average +5 +5.5
CIJC wage deal for engineering operatives 2000-02
Basic pay (£/hr)
From 26 June 2000 From June 2001 From June 2002
General operative 4.78 5.04 5.49
Skill rate 4 5.15 5.43 5.91
Skill rate 3 5.46 5.76 6.27
Skill rate 2 5.83 6.15 6.70
Skill rate 1 6.05 6.38 6.95
Craft rate 6.35 6.70 7.30