...Stephen Ratcliffe


My hobby is opera and in addition to attending performances regularly at venues such as the Royal Opera House, over the years I have collected many more opera CDs than I should have – but I’ll always find room for more! This site is where I feed my habit. It features more than 65,000 classical titles so there’s no shortage of temptation.


The Construction Confederation’s office is at the heart of Westminster – and although we are within shouting distance of the House of Commons we still manage to pick up quite a few of the whispers as well – but it never hurts to check that we are not missing something. The epolitix site is a handy ear to the ground and its e-mail bulletins listing press coverage and the day’s agenda at Westminster are a really useful bonus.


Again, it’s my opera hobby that leads me here. However, the reason that Amazon is among my favourites for tracking down recordings is not for its own retail range but for the facility that allows me to buy used and new CDs from other collectors. It’s a similar to eBay but I’ve found it to be more reliable.


I know it sounds like nepotism but I have to list the confederation’s own site among my own favourites because it proves so useful in my working day.

Stephen Ratcliffe is chief executive of the Construction Confederation