Members of CIBSE and The Institute of Healthcare Engineering and Estate Management visited the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast recently to inaugurate the preservation of its original fan-powered ventilation system.
The 100 year-old system was designed and installed by Henry Lea, founder of Hoare Lea, and has helped the hospital building receive a listing status.

The hospital was officially opened in 1903 and is recorded as being the first air conditioned building in the world. The historical listing of the building is unusual, as it results, in part, from the engineering uniqueness of the plenum ventilation system. This listing includes the fan chambers, fans, steam-drive machinery, as well as the entire under-corridor airway plenums.

Head of Hoare Lea's research and development, Terry Wyatt, jokes: "The ventilation system at the Royal Victoria Hospital has been in use for 100 years – it's clear that that our founder understood the principles of healthy ventilation better than a lot of people since."