Alarm Receiving Centres need to help installers pinpoint the reasons for false alarms said Geoff Tate, Chief Executive of the SSAIB at the launch ceremony of the merged inspectorate.
"We need to identify if individual installers are having repeated problems or if a particular item of equipment is the reason, " he said.

More information from ARCs would help installers reduce their false alarm statistics.

At the launch at the Hilton Hotel, Birmingham, Tate said the new inspectorate would adopt the best practices of the "old" SSAIB, the AISC and Integrity 2000.

The ISO 9002 Quality Management System and the Investors in People Award held by the AISC had been transferred to the merged inspectorate.

He confirmed that the SSAIB inspection scheme would soon be underpinned by UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accreditation: "We hope to get it without delay".

The SSAIB would continue to operate its inspections in a positive "user friendly" manner providing advice to installers and develop partnerships with police and insurers "We want to be linked to the commercial success of firms and help reduce false alarms," he said.

Also speaking at the launch, which included industry representatives, the police and insurers, was Bruce George MP, a long time campaigner for regulation, who criticised the length of time it has taken to pass industry legislation.

"Legislation should have been passed 20 years ago," he said. "To regulate private security by just looking at manned guarding is only half the story. It does not remotely meet requirements. The security industry needs more than the light touch." This was because there were a "vast number of charlatans and crooks".

The bill should have included the systems sector, he said.

Other speakers included:
Stephen Adams (BSIA) who said the BSIA welcomed the SSAIB going forward to get its accreditation "and we are keen to see they have full status";
Inspector Kevin Mann (ACPO) who wished the merged company success:
Jackie Bennett (ABI) who said once the SSAIB had gained UKAS accreditation the ABI recommendation that a NACOSS company install a system, would no longer seem appropriate.