Bowey Homes
When Bowey Homes was separated from its contracting arm in 1999 it took the opportunity to transform itself. After moving to new offices it set about becoming a truly customer focused company. A business plan stated aims, core values and measurable objectives and initiatives were put in place to communicate changes to staff. Teamwork and contractor workshops, quality action teams, feedback sessions, in-house training, and social activities were all designed to help staff understand the new strategy and culture. Bowey is going out of its way to pursue best practice. It has founded a housebuilder innovation forum, visited US housebuilders and taken part in the Inside UK Enterprise Construction Best Practice Programme. The positive effects of its new strategy are being felt. Innovations and new product ranges have been developed, reliability has improved and the marketing department has rebranded. It has exceeded its customer satisfaction targets after providing customer service training and more after-sales service.

At the heart of Sunley Homes' change strategy is a baby boy named Casper. He is the son of chairman James Sunley who is aiming to create values and developments that Casper will grow up to be proud of. Casper is one of the Seven Sunley Cs to Success, which include change, customer focus, communication, creativity and curiosity. The seven Cs are designed to help Sunley make the change from "builder of square boxes in square fields" to provider of individually designed homes in niche markets. The company's commitment to change has also seen it experiment with innovations such as the modular e-house and an online auctioneering website.

They have made a genuine effort - a three pronged approach addressing physical, corporate and cultural change