Having conducted a series of in-depth discussions that explored a variety of options, BSIA chief executive David Dickinson and Mike Welply – Dickinson's equivalent at JSIC – have decided that any sort of merger between the two would be impractical, mainly because of the disparate nature of the organisations represented and their respective constitutions.
The two bodies will continue to liaise with a view to working together on "issues of mutual interest and significant concern for the UK security industry". At the present time, those issues include the Security Industry Export Focal Group and the Aviation Security Forum.
Speaking to Security Management Today (SMT) about the decision, David Dickinson commented: "A completely unified approach might seem desirable on the face of it, but we must be realistic simply because of the great diversity within the security sector. It's really all about pursuing a path that best meets the needs of members of both organisations, and indeed the industry as a whole."
Mike Welply added: "Endeavouring to achieve a single voice to represent the industry at this time of change and challenge was a legitimate and necessary exercise. However, the core purposes and history of the two organisations are so very different that it has proven impossible to find enough common ground for the foreseeable future."
Welply was quick to point out to SMT that maintaining a good relationship and a joint approach between the two bodies on progressing key issues and initiatives is still "a very positive step forward".
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