The man who developed the IT passenger systems at the British Airports Authority has landed a new role at Progress Housing Group. Steve Thomas has been appointed the group's IT and systems manager.
Sally has been appointed by homelessness charity Shelter as its first Homelessness Act implementation campaigner. Before joining Shelter, Sally worked for the London Voluntary service as its Greater London Authority liaison manager. She is also on the board of Penrose Housing Association.
Tony, who has been head of housing at Herefordshire council since 1998, has been chosen to head the new housing association that will take the council's stock. He will take the helm at Herefordshire Housing later this year.
Andy has been made a partner at consultant Calfordseaden, which advises on a range of issues including the private finance initiative. Andy has worked in both the private and public housing sectors.
Elaine has become Accord Housing Association's first senior regeneration manager. She was previously at Midland Area Housing Association.
Anthony has been made associate director at property consultant ATIS Real Weatheralls. Anthony specialises in the transfer of NHS trust key-worker housing to RSLs.
David Shelton has been appointed resources director at Testway Housing. He moves from BSL in Manchester, where he was finance director.
Job of the week
Peta Caine
New job
Director of housing, Servite Houses
Previous job
Project director, Aylesbury Horizon Housing Group
How did you get here?
“I studied construction at South Bank University, and my first job was as a development and maintenance worker at Brockley Tenants’ Co-operative in south-east London. It was a brilliant first job that gave me a broad picture of housing and the issues involved. I moved to another housing cooperative dealing with urban renewal, then worked at a number of housing associations.”
What is your job specification?
“This is a new post, as Servite previously had no director of housing. We are a regional organisation working in and around London, Birmingham and Merseyside. My major focus is asset management.”
Who do you admire?
“I definitely have admiration for the Faraday Shadow Board Organisation on the Aylesbury Estate, which devoted so much time to working on behalf of the tenants to take things forward. Although the transfer came to a ‘no’ vote in the end, these shadow board members put a great deal of energy and time into making things better for themselves and their neighbours.”
If you were housing minister, what would you do to improve the housing situation in the UK?
“I would introduce more flexibility into the way that regeneration schemes are funded so that schemes could be developed to better meet the needs of the local population.”
Favourite book
The Group by Mary McCarthy or The Women’s Room by Marilyn French
Favourite film
La Belle et la Bête, the French version of Beauty and the Beast
Housing Today
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