Toshiba Carrier UK (TCUK) has launched a new comprehensive air conditioning system leasing scheme, Toshiba Carrier Financing Solutions.
The scheme has been developed over the past year with expert consultants and four leading global financial institutions that partner TCUK's parent, United Technologies Corporation. By using the leasing scheme, private and public sector building developers, owners or occupiers will be able to avoid the use of capital to purchase air conditioning and will be able to arrange regular planned payments.

TCUK believe that the 'scale and flexibility' of leasing agreements now possible will help move the air conditioning industry closer to other leading service industries such as IT, telecoms, office equipment and data storage, where leasing is the normal means of acquiring such support services. TCUK managing director David Appel said: "Financing Solutions will be applicable in many situations where we may have found it difficult to do business in the past, such as the public sector, which is always reluctant or unable to make capital investments. It is part of the offering that we must have and which, as they become larger and more global in their outlook, clients will come to demand of us."