Apart from the surveillance it provides to keep watch over historic manuscripts and works of art dating back to the seventh century, it is also used to monitor 400,000 visitors who cross the ancient tiles in the east end of the cathedral.
Furthermore, it also enables the organist to get a clear view of proceedings to ensure correct musical timing during services.
Three Baxall ZKX3/J remote keyboards with a three-axis joystick have been installed to give precision control over a series of JVC TK-C675BE colour dome cameras via the ZTX telemetry transmitter. Using Baxall Dax protocol converters and just one cable, it enables up to 16 pre-set positions as well as standard functions of the dome cameras to be controlled from a distance of 500m.
Baxall ZMX multiplexers and ZTX6 telemetry matrices operate via the Bax-net (RS485) network system. The ZMX Plus CT/16M4 multiplexer enables direct VCR control via RS232, as well as time-lapsed video recordings out of hours.
The CCTV system can also monitor from the kiosk at the entrance to the cathedral via a remote switcher and monitor and at any point around the cathedral. The switcher's second output can be patched into any socket on the video network.
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