Don't be misled by the title of this publication – 'Jane's Facility Security Handbook' – into thinking that it's a typical 'locks, bolts and bars' special.
Jane’s Facility Security Handbook
Christopher Kozlow and John Sullivan
Jane’s Information Group
ISBN: 071062288-0, 2000, 320 pages, Ordering details: Telephone +44(0)20 8700 3700, fax: +44 (0)20 8763 1006

It's not. Rather, this is a valuable work on high threat security management focusing on counter-terrorism and violent crime.

The inaugural chapter discloses the terms and definitions that relate to terrorism, as well as providing valuable information on terrorist organisations, their structures and motives/objectives.

Facility security planning dominates the second chapter, which begins with some salient advice. "It is difficult to overstate the importance of proactive security measures for combating terrorism".

There is then further advice on how to conduct a thorough security survey, a recommended planning process that relates to the management of bomb threats and incidents, search techniques and a basic anti-terrorism survey (consisting of personal and workplace security checklists).

As to why the title of Kozlow and Sullivan's handbook refers to facility security and not counter-terrorism as a whole is down to its concentration on building security as opposed to that of the individual.

On this basis, the majority of the rest of the handbook deals with terrorist threats and incident management in relation to buildings in general (including hospitals, educational institutions and entertainment facilities).

Also covered are incidents regarding transportation systems, utility facilities/infrastructures and occurrences at special events (for example sports events and public gatherings).

Given that there are few other sources of information on this subject containing this level and quality of information, 'Jane's Security Facility Handbook' must warrant a very positive recommendation for use by security managers.

And that in spite of the fact it's written from a mainly US perspective (although many of the references and incidents highlighted pertain directly to the UK).

Kozlow and Sullivan's interpretation of the basics is certainly better presented and informed than some of the Government's 'restricted' publications on the subject.