The outgoing founder of an influential charity has called for a homelessness taskforce to be established for England and Wales
Tony Dennison, founder of construction and property industry homelessness charity CRASH, called for a group to bring together academics, government and the voluntary sector to plug the gaps in research into homelessness.

Dennison said: "There is a remarkable lack of research into the availability of detox, drug services and the prevention of homelessness.

"It astounds me that this has not been comprehensively tackled. There should be an independent body which takes on board these gaps and does something about it. We have had lots of discussion with Homeless Link and they would like to take this on board."

But Dennison said the body could not be formed until Homeless Link – the organisation created after last year's merger of the Homeless Network and National Homeless Alliance – was ready.

  • CRASH's Tony Dennison research award was awarded today to Maureen Crane and Tony Warnes of Sheffield University's institute for studies on ageing. Dennison said their study of single homeless people in London was "the most comprehensive and detailed look at this area that has been carried out".