Hoare Lea has revealed it has written to the government highlighting eight action points to ensure ambitious carbon reduction targets are met.
In a letter to the new energy minister Brian Wilson, senior partner David Walker put forward the case for greater incentives through the tax system, such as lower vat for energy efficient refurbishment. He also highlighted obstacles that are currently limiting the uptake of energy efficient technologies like combined heat and power (chp), such as outdated regulations and pricing systems.

The letter includes advice on how emissions trading needs to be further encouraged and extended into commercial buildings through financial incentives; why chp should be exempt from the Climate Change Levy; the possibility of tax incentives being provided for energy efficient refurbishments; the implementation of the Embedded generation working party report; introduction of net metering as a right for small-scale renewable and chp systems below 20 kWe; improving the health of building through improved ventilation; and finally, how to encourage efficient interior and exterior lighting design.

This story carries our Engineers Taking the Lead stamp of approval.