Hoare Lea Consulting Engineers scooped the first ever Engineers taking the lead award. This was on the basis of the consultancy's demonstration of pragmatic sustainability – an affordable and repeatable approach to environmentally friendly buildings which puts sustainability within the reach of just about any client. The business has also shown itself committed to educating clients by demonstrating new methods of office lighting which Hoare Lea uses in its own London office.
Haden Young proved themselves top of their game yet again when they walked away with the Major M&E contractor of the year award for the second year running. The Haden Young table made its delight clearly heard as the winner was announced.
WSP won Large consultancy of the year, demonstrating huge growth and a commitment to both meeting client needs, and to sustainable buildings.
Major project of the year 2002 was Eden, Cornwall's world-renowned quarry turned garden paradise. Judges decided that since the project had been entered by two organisations, both should be recognised for their contribution. They were services consultant Arup and m&e contractor MJN Colston. Both received high praise from the client.
We hope that you'll keep your eyes peeled for calls for entry in 2003– and that you'll be joining us for another great evening to celebrate all that's best about the building services industry.
The winners
Large consultancy of the year: WSPSponsored by: Daikin Europe
Consultancy of the year: SVM Group
Sponsored by: Toshiba Air Conditioning
Major m&e contractor of the year: Haden Young
Sponsored by: Andrews Water Heaters
M&E contractor of the year: Farebrother Group
Sponsored by: Electrical Contractors’ Association
Specialist contractor of the year: Smoke Control Services
Sponsored by: Uniflair Air Conditioning
Major project of the year: Eden Project
Sponsored by: Hill McGlynn
Project of the year: Cancer Services Facility at Craigavon Area Hospital
Sponsored by: Sanyo Air Conditioners Europe
International achievement award: ABB
Sponsored by: Lennox Industries
Innovation of the year: Ove Arup & Partners, Zimbabwe
Sponsored by: Dalkia Energy & Technical Services
IT in building services award: Estimation
Sponsored by: TAC(UK)
Environmental initiative of the year: Arup
Sponsored by: Wilo Salmson Pumps
Health & safety initiative of the year: SKILLcard
Sponsored by: Heating & Ventilating Contractors’ Association
Training award: Cooper-Bussmann
Sponsored by: Carrier Air Conditioning
Building services best practice: Smoke Control Services
Sponsored by: Construction Best Practice Programme
Engineers taking the lead: Hoare Lea Consulting Engineers
Sponsored by: Frenger Systems
Lighting project of the year: Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Sponsored by: RIBA Journal
Apprentice of the year: Mark Stewart
Sponsored by: MK Electric
Building Sustainable Design
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