Eighteen months ago, construction company O'Rourkes was confronted with a serious crime problem at its Royal Ballet School construction site in London's celebrated Covent Garden.
Recurrent vandalism, arson and the theft of equipment were a major headache for Brian Morris, the company's head of security.

Morris decided that he needed a deterrent – and specified the PulseSecure electrified fencing system designed by Harper Chalice. The system deters, delays and then denies any attempts by would-be intruders who try to gain unauthorised access to a premises by way of a short, sharp, regulated (and yet safe) electric shock.

In the event of a criminal trying to tamper with the fence, cut it, climb it or otherwise breach the system, an alarm will be generated. In practice, each section of the perimeter is zoned for interfacing with CCTV surveillance systems.

Morris feels the PulseSecure system is most suited to projects where high value equipment or property needs protecting, where the site is well-contained and where the project will last long enough to justify the initial capital outlay.