DTZ Debenham Tie Leung – one of the leading property advisory groups in the UK – has awarded the guarding contract for its flagship City hq to First Security (Guards).
The contract involves a total of 18 security officers working in teams of six, round-the-clock on a seven-days-per-week basis, and covers main reception duties, patrols and access control – as well as post room security (a particular concern in the wake of last September’s terrorist attacks in the United States).

DTZ’s core services include property investment, occupational services, property management and building consultancy for owners, investors, developers, corporate occupiers and public sector clients.

Currently, DTZ is advising over half of The Times Top 100 UK companies (and handling, on average, more than £2 billion of investments). Security, therefore, is a prime requirement.

Speaking about the new contract, Mike Thompson – building manager at the No1 Curzon Street site – commented: “The contract has meant that First Security had to take on some of the existing security staff as well. This isn’t always an easy task, but the transition has been very smooth.”

As the in-house professional, Thompson points to First’s introduction of a site manager as having “greatly assisted the liaison between tenants and contractor.”