An installation company with only six employees beat the giants of the industry in a five-a-side football tournament for the second year running.
The giant-killing took place at the second Pyronix five-a-side Challenge Cup.

Last year Abatron Security Systems of Reddish, Stockport, travelled over the Penines from Manchester to Yorkshire to beat industry giants such as Gardiner Security, Pyronix, Monks and Kings. And although it looked bleak for the poor boys of Abatron, in true manc and scouse spirit (five mancs and one scouser) they knocked out the big boys and won the final.

Said Anthony Hannah, Abatron's MD: "As reigning champions we were invited back again … this time the Yorkshiremen were not going to underestimate us … "Patrick (Kyle of Pyronix) had several of the teams eating nothing but raw liver in the week leading up to the tournament, however … Abatron's boys were cool and calm under pressure. It was like watching Brazil, only on a five-a-side court and without any skill, South American beauties, sun or bongo drums!

"The final was us against Pyronix, who were all actually employed by the West Yorkshire Constabulary, owing to the fact that they were all policemen – or 'ringers' as they are known in Manchester. Anyway, Patrick's plan failed and we won the final 5-3. We all had a great night. "