So, while Sunderland Housing Group is carrying out modernisation work on 171 homes in the Biddick area, we have set up a respite centre for our residents so they can escape from the work that is going on in their homes.
The dirt, noise and dust caused by the work will be a particular problem for elderly residents and families with young children, so they need somewhere to go to get away from it all. The work will also involve pulling up floorboards and rewiring, so having people walking around while the workmen are doing their jobs would be incredibly dangerous as well as awkward.
The respite centre wasn't difficult to set up, as we already had an empty property in the same area. We decided to give it a lick of paint and put in new flooring, tiles and carpets, and then also put in some chairs and installed a microwave.
It took a few weeks to organise and cost a few hundred pounds, but it has been worth it. The tenants love it and a large number have made use of the facilities. It has become a bit of a meeting place for people to socialise in.
It also means that a void property is being put to good use. The fact that it cost money to do it up is irrelevant, really, because we weren't getting any rental income from it in the first place.
Once all of the refurbishment work has been completed, we will take out the furniture and let the property out to a family. It shouldn't be difficult to find someone to rent the property now because the whole house has been done up and looks brand new.
The idea has been so well received that we are now planning to carry out the same procedure on another estate that is going to have similar refurbishment work carried out.
Housing Today
Joanne Cantes, project officer at Sunderland Housing Group, spoke to Mahua Chatterjee
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