Delaware Communications Plc has designed and installed a 315-camera network as part of a community CCTV scheme operated by Leicester City Council.
The scheme has already reduced crime by 48 per cent since the cameras were installed, with more network expansion expected.

Philips CSI supplied a combination of high performance 1/3 inch cameras and high resolution ½ inch colour cameras from the 0600 range, as well as other models to provide internal and external surveillance around the city's housing and community areas. The scheme includes CCTV coverage of public areas, streets, building entrances, internal lifts and corridors in tower blocks with full concierge-controlled access control, intercom and public address equipment.

Delaware's chairman, Peter Plevey, said the company spent two months intensively testing a whole range of cameras and chose to standardise on the 0600 cameras to enable good images which could be used to successfully identify people. The system is designed around touch screens and 31 monitors from the main control room, and includes map-based displays of events.

The crime-reduction scheme is used by the City's Housing Department in partnership with the police. Operators monitoring problem areas and incidents are able to click on maps to select relevant camera angle views, which can be shared with police.