And the winner is....
Farebrother Group

Farebrother is a member of the BSRIA Key Performance Club and measures its performance against industry norms by means of a KPI customer satisfaction questionnaire which the client completes at various stages of the contract, usually at 30%, 60% and on completion. This gives Farebrother the ability to improve its service as the contract is progressing.

   The judges were impressed by the introduction of Farebrother’s ‘Near Miss’ initiative in 2001. Every situation that could lead to an accident is reported to the safety manager to investigate and Farebrother donates £1 to a fund that is shared out among a number of charities. The scheme aims to make operatives proactive regarding safety rather than reactive.

Impressive use of kpis during contracts. judges also noted the ‘near miss’ safety initiative

What the judges said....

The runners up

Dodd Group
Dodd centres its business strategy on developing the organisation to meet the needs of its customers. It concentrates on offering a first-class service from conception to completion in markets such as water services, food processing and government departments, where it has formed partnerships with customers and suppliers. Turnover was £34.46 million in 2000/2001, with operating profits of £1.14 million. E&B Engineering Services Group
E&B continues to place customer satisfaction as a priority; every client receives a q&a form on each project. The company is committed to a zero defects initiative which is policed internally and with approved trade contractors. Turnover was up to £7.59 million to February 2001, with £11 million expected to February 2002. Operating profits were £197 114 to February 2001. Eastern Contracting
Eastern Contracting has been awarded Investors in People status reflecting its dedication to its employees. Turnover dipped to £47.93 million in 2000/2001 with operating profits of £1.27 million. It monitors all work undertaken via customer satisfaction questionnaires. Around 5% of work relates to partnering charters/framework agreements. Powerminster
In 2001, Powerminster was re-recognised as an Investor in People against the new standard, won a RoSPA Gold Award for safety and gained a CHPA Community Heating Award. The company has been using KPIs for over two years. Turnover was £22.8 million in 2000-2001, with profits of £625 000 – over 30% of work is on a partnering basis.