The new chief executive of government regeneration agency English Partnerships has put social housing at the top of his agenda.
He has already met with senior personnel to discuss the issue.

David Higgins, who was named as successor to Paula Hay-Plumb after she resigned in June, said he saw the sector as crucial in terms of carrying out successful regeneration work.

He said: "Social housing is a challenging issue. There is a massive need to fix up the supply chain to satisfy the demand that is out there. It is one of the most interesting real-estate challenges I have seen.

"It is high on our agenda and is an area to which we want to apply some innovative thinking."

Higgins – currently managing director and chief executive at Australian property developer Lend Lease – said areas that will be examined are cost and the relationships between housing associations and landowners.

Higgins is expected to take up his appointment at the start of next year.

Higgins will also sell all of his shares in Lend Lease, as it is a joint partner with Quintain and EP to redevelop the Millennium Dome site in south-east London.