Two Americans and a Briton working for Bahrain firm Gulf Services Company are snatched from their home in Baghdad.

A British construction worker has been kidnapped from a house in Baghdad according to the Iraqi Interior Ministry.

Colonlel Adnan Abdel-Rahman said that the Briton and two Americans were taken from a two-storey house in the relatively upmarket al-Mansour district, according to Associated Press.

Rahman said the three were employed by Gulf Services Company a Middle East-based construction firm.

A police official said the three were in the garden when the attack apparently took place. He said that a car was missing from the house and neighbours said that a gate was left open after two cars drove up to the house at dawn.

There are currently four Westerners being held in Iraq. Two Italian women working on school and water projects, and two French reporters who were kidnapped by a group demanding that France repeal a ban on the wearing of headscarves in public schools.