The Lancashire market renewal pathfinder has got under way with a funding bid to government this week as Birmingham's market renewal package was launched.
Lancashire is the second to submit a bid for £2.6m designed to kick-start the process of drawing up a 10-year renewal strategy. A bid from Birmingham and Sandwell was set to be launched by junior housing minister Tony McNulty this week. Newcastle/Gateshead is also bidding, while the other six pathfinders are expected to follow suit shortly.
Lancashire told the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister that it believes it has met the four conditions for release of the money. These are a decision on geographical boundaries, satisfactory governance arrangements, milestones to be reached by fixed dates, and arrangements for one council to act as banker for the grant money.
The pathfinder has a shadow board including representatives from the council, local strategic partnership, health bodies and the police in place. It wants to have its strategy finished by the end of 2003.
Housing Today
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