For the first time, buyers, insurers and installers can use a single supplier to source any grading of perimeter security solution – from Grade 1 through to Grade 4, as defined by BS 50131-1.
At present, Secure Perimeters is the only company able to offer this service.
Secured By Design approval
The company's best-selling product is Pulse-Secure, which last year became the only electrified perimeter protection system to date to win police service Secured By Design approval. PulseSecure is also the only electrified security system to be granted the highest level SEAP Grade 4 rating in the rigorous testing scheme run by the Home Office.
For the security installer, then, Secure Perimeters is offering a complete turnkey solution for their customers' perimeter problems, the elements of which can be integrated on site with other systems such as intruder alarms and CCTV.
For security surveyors and specifiers, there's the flexibility of being able to specify a perimeter system that's appropriate to any level of risk.
How does PulseSecure work?
In operation, PulseSecure deters, delays and denies any attempts by would-be intruders who try to gain unauthorised access by way of a short, sharp, regulated – and safe – electric shock. In the event of anyone trying to tamper, cut, climb or breach the PulseSecure system, alarms will be generated. Each section of the perimeter will be zoned for interfacing with CCTV surveillance systems and other alarm monitoring systems.
For the end user, the PulseSecure system boasts a relatively low visual impact, being much less of an eyesore than typical high security fencing and fence topping.
It's particularly suited to protecting storage depots and high risk utilities, distribution centres, logistics depots, garages and car storage areas.
Graham Harper is managing director of the Harper Chalice Group (
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