The company is to provide a variety of services, including highway engineering and operation, building and facilities management provisions and accounting and auditing. Accommodation, office, architectural and property services also come under the contract. The contract is due to run for 15 years.
Detailed submissions were received from four companies, and two were selected to go forward to the final stages. Capita could not be reached to comment on the deal.
Capita is also one of six companies in the North who have won a five-year framework agreement to support preparation work on major road schemes. The contract, which will extend over Cumbria is expected to include the A595 Parton to Lillyhall Improvement and further work to the A66 in Penrith.
The team working on the project will include a number of environmental specialists, ecologists, landscape architects and archaeologists to ensure a thorough environmental assessment of each project.
The Facilities Business