BSJ takes a look on the web to find the best sources of industry information and online publications.
The Association of Consulting Engineers (ACE) website offers access to discounted industry publications as well as business practice advice. The site is for members only (you can subscribe online) and is available to any engineering, technical or management consultancy that has been in business for more than three years.

Companies of less than three years can also apply providing they have achieved chartered engineering status. All members receive a weekly electronic newsletter and a list of currently available discounted publications. They will also get the Association's online magazine and have access to a members' noticeboard for business-to-business announcements and adverts.

ACE produces a number of useful publications for sale, including its Conditions of engagement document and the ACE Directory of members. The Association also produces useful guidance documents on how to calculate fees and advice on appropriate consultant selection.
The Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) is part of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The primary objective of NEA is to promote co-operation among the governments of its participating countries in furthering the development of nuclear power as a safe, environmentally acceptable and economic energy source.

The NEA website contains a range of facts about nuclear safety, radioactive waste management, radiation protection, nuclear law, and has links to other nuclear related sites.

There are also several reports that can be read or ordered from the site, including Enhancing public health and safety – radiation protection and public health, and NEA policy papers, such as Nuclear education and training, which discusses the problems arising from a lack of proper training and suggest ways of improvements.
The Energy Efficiency Best Practice Programme (EEBPP) website is government run and offers plenty of information on how to meet the latest energy-use targets.

It is primarily focused towards businesses and how they can reduce heating costs through having energy-efficient principles and products.

The site offers links for engineers to EEBPP's Essential best practice advice for engineers guide, which offers advice on waste reduction, pollution control and how to get the most out of new technologies.

Also available to order through the site is CHP for the engineering industry, which gives an insight into the key issues affecting the contribution Combined Heat and Power (CHP) can make to the engineering industry.
Take a trip into space by visiting the CIMWorld website. It is packed with information on the latest worldwide engineering news and has an excellent company directory that guides you to a host of global manufacturers' websites.

CIMWorld provides details on computer-aided tools used in the engineering design and manufacturing process, and is aimed primarily at design and manufacturing professionals.

Also available is news of industry events, case studies from manufacturing companies using computer-aided tools, details of reports and other publications for sale, 'white papers' from developers and industry analysts, and links to demonstration software sites.
The Design Council's website provides stories of engineering innovations and case studies of exemplar constructions around the world.

A design information section provides facts and figures on various projects. Council events and exhibitions are indicated and there is a news and publications section, which includes press releases, speeches and articles.

In addition, the site contains DesignHorizons, the Council's knowledge resource on the likely engineering trends and designs of the future. It includes a directory of organisations involved.
Have you got an idea that could revolutionise services engineering? If you think so then take a look at The Chartered Institute of Patent Agents (CIPA) website.

CIPA is the professional body for patent agents in the UK. In addition its members also act in securing trademarks, designs, and copyrights.

The site includes basic overviews of the fields of patents and designs as well as links to other related organisations around the world. It also contains a directory of agents across the UK.

Short sites
The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) is an organisation that provides a forum for producers and users to meet on common ground and write standards for materials, products, systems, and services.

ASTM has developed and published 10,000 technical standards, used by industries worldwide. The site provides details on product standards on technical publications, together with contact details.
The British Wind Energy Association (BWEA) disseminates information about the benefits of wind energy and encourages coverage of renewable and wind energy in education.

The site gives news of forthcoming meetings and full text of press releases and fact sheets. A directory of members lists companies and individuals working in this area and links to related sites are given.
The Institute of Operations Management (IOM) is the professional body for those involved in production and operations management in the manufacturing and services industries.

The site has full-text articles that address key issues in project and supply chain management. There are also details of forthcoming meetings and events and access to the IOM mailing list