A Housing Association secured a possession order on Tuesday that resulted in the immediate eviction of two tenants.
The immediate possession order ruling from Newport Crown Court is believed to be a first. Normally it takes 14 days for evictions to take effect.

Andrew Connolly and Emma Donovan of Anchorage Way, Cowes, Isle of Wight can now only return to their home in the presence of bailiffs and a Medina Housing Association officer. They will then be banned from the estate for life under an injunction also taken out this week. The pair have breached three previous injunctions. They could be arrested and up before a court within 24 hours if they set foot on the estate during the next six months. Medina was awarded around £15,000 in costs.

Tenants on the estate faced abuse and intimidation from the couple since they moved there six months ago, Medina chief executive John Collinge said. This included attempts to break into other people's homes and threats with a meat cleaver. Collinge said: "We would prefer to use the traditional methods but if our tenants face this sort of behaviour again we will take similar action."