The South East Security Co-operative (SESCO) has announ-ced its sixth intake of students at Waltham Forest College for the Modern Apprenticeship Certificate in Intruder Alarms.

Prospective employers looking to participate in the scheme are being encouraged to begin recruitment processes to apply for a limited number of places on the scheme, which will be allocated on a first come first served basis. All candidates are required to be security screened and offered employment prior to starting the course.

The Modern Apprenticeship is structured to provide students with knowledge to sit the SITO/City & Guilds 1851 Electronic Principles/Intruder Alarms and CCTV examinations and achieve an NVQ level 3. The examinations cover competence in the work place as well as course work.

More details on apprentice pay structures, course details and availability can be obtained from Sarah Wise, SITO Ltd, Security House, Barbourne Road, Worcestershire, WR1 1RS. Telephone: 01905 20004.