Looking at the statistics, you may think there's no cause to worry. In 1999, 44 days were lost for every 1000 workers in construction due to industrial action. In 2000, the figure was 42, showing a slight fall (though it compares badly to a national average of 10 and 20 respectively).
But, membership of construction trade unions has seen a steady increase in the last five years and interest in union activity has grown. In 2001, one fifth of the construction workforce was in a union, and UCATT, the Transport and General Worker's Union and GMB and have all seen a growth in members since 2000. UCATT's membership grew by 10,000 between 2000 and 2002 and T&GWU's by 10,000 – 15,000. UCATT's total membership now is 120,000 and T&GWU's construction section is around 80,000. Figures were unavailable for the GMB.
The catalyst for this came from Europe, says Kelly Rogers, a recruitment officer for GMB in London. "Workers have more confidence in pursuing their rights since the introduction of the Working Time Regulations in 1998. They are more aware of what they are entitled to and more willing to ask for it."
George Brumwell, general secretary of UCATT agrees. "The European directive kick-started interest in our activities and people saw how we could become effective. We educated staff and employers in implementing the directive and helped give everyone what they were owed."
The tide that turned with the 1998 directive has gathered speed since then with the drive for better safety in construction. A London-based activist for the GMB, a carpenter who doesn't wish to be named, says walkouts because of poor safety are not unusual these days. "Workers will walk off site now at the drop of a hat if they feel they are in danger. They are not prepared to risk their safety. Five or ten years ago they would just put up with it for fear of not getting more work, but not now."
You may say that the unions have "done a New Labour" and made themselves respectable and effective in the eyes of the workforce, says the GMB activist. "Unions are doing a lot of health and safety work, which makes them more 'respectable'. Employers can't argue with them over whether health and safety is important like they can over pay and conditions, its too embarrassing for them."
The unions admit relationships with employers have improved. "The big players have been very positive," says Brumwell. "But they don't employ anybody. The real test is getting it down to the supply chain."
Cold comfort?
Union members can still expect a frosty reception from some employers though. According to the GMB activist, its not often you go onto site and advertise the fact that you're in a union. "There's still a feeling that if you complain you'll lose your job. Some employers often give a lot of stick to union members and openly victimise them. If someone approaches me with a problem, I pass it onto the GMB officials, I don't get involved."
It might not quite be the winter of discontent predicted by the Daily Mail when Labour came into power in 1997, but there's no doubt this government has more sympathy towards unions than the previous administration.
For example, George Brumwell sits on the Strategic Forum, the industry-wide performance improvement body. This situation would have been unthinkable a few years ago, and it's government influence that got him there, says Brumwell. Bob Blackman, national construction secretary for the T&GWU says that this year is the best they've had with the Department for Trade and Industry because the government, as a major client, is recognising that if it wants its hospitals and schools built, it's going to need the workforce to do it.
The HSE went ahead with pilot schemes for worker safety advisors earlier this year, against the wishes of employers, but very much as part of the unions' health and safety strategy.
Construction minister Brian Wilson gave clear support for unions in his speech at the Respect for People conference last month. "I want to see greater willingness for companies to recognise the benefits that engaging with the workforce and union representatives can bring." So if you think you'll get sympathy from the government for ignoring unions, think again.
It's your choice. Either work with them or pray for the time when a union-bashing government takes the reigns of the country again. You could be in for a long wait.
A worker’s view of unions
Trevor Donoghue, shop steward at the Channel Tunnel Rail Link, has been a member of the T&GWU for 26 years. “A union gives you some attachment, something to belong to and back up if things go wrong. I’ve had two work accidents and I’ve been able to use the legal power of the union to fight my case. “I’ve never been victimised myself because I was in a union, but I do know sites where union members are the first to go when there are redundancies. We are now trying to work with employers to improve the lot of the workers on site.”George Brumwell: Has he sold out?
Construction Manager
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