Paul King, sustainable homes programme leader at the WWF, said the corporation was considering making it mandatory for housing associations to meet BRE's new Eco Homes Standard, which grades homes on energy and water use and proximity to public transport.
The charity proposes reducing stamp duty on homes that meet the Eco Homes Standard and introducing full VAT on homes which fail this standard. The WWF also says that 5% VAT should be levied on homes rated "good".
A spokesman for the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister said: "We support the principles underlying the WWF's proposals, but the organisation's target confuses the need for sustainable construction and refurbishment with levels of provision."
A spokeswoman for Peabody said: "We think it's a fantastic idea and we're looking at the cost of applying the Eco Homes Standard to our new developments and refurbishments."
The corporation confirmed that it is considering applying the standard and will make a statement shortly.
Peabody created the 82-home BedZED project in south London, the first development in the UK using only renewable energy.
Housing Today
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