Throughout the lifetime of the BSIA there has been a desire from both members and staff alike for the creation of a successful and truly representative trade association. One that is recognised by all the relevant groups in the industry.
The BSIA achieved this goal some time ago. However, the need for the Association to be 'one step ahead of change' is assuming an increasing importance, and it would be true to say that the BSIA has reached a period in its existence when change is occurring at a rapid rate. It's a challenge to keep pace!

Consequently, pressure has been building for the organisation to perform even greater tasks – without, necessarily, any increase in the specialist resources at its disposal.

My involvement as Deputy Chairman is aimed at introducing an element of experience on behalf of the Association's 'electronic sections', thereby assisting with the changes being introduced within this particular sector.

Such changes include the new ACPO policy on security systems ('ACPO 2000'), European standards and constantly-evolving market trends.

I am very much looking forward to working in this new role, one that is of significant importance to our industry.