Three councils in the East End of London have joined forces in a bid to tackle rogue private landlords
Barking & Dagenham, Redbridge and Havering councils are set to launch an "accredited accommodation scheme".

Private landlords will volunteer to have their properties checked against acceptable standards.

The scheme will require landlords to make a commitment to managing their properties properly.

Homes must be in a good state of repair, be let to no more than a designated number of tenants, and pass gas, fire and electricity safety checks.

They must also have adequate heating, security, floor coverings and kitchen space.

The scheme will be launched with a consultation exercise today, and 600 private landlords have been invited to attend.

In Greater Manchester last week, Oldham and Salford councils began working together on an accreditation scheme for private landlords with the aim of signing up 400 landlords (see linked story, below). That scheme will target landlords who provide accommodation for asylum seekers and students, as well as houses in multiple occupation.

In August, Denbighshire council in north Wales announced plans to register all houses in multiple occupation in west Rhyl in a bid to tackle unscrupulous private landlords who do not keep homes in good order.