Survive is a worldwide membership group for professionals in business continuity management. The website contains a huge directory of disaster recovery specialists and suppliers as well as comprehensive details of events, products and services.
* Registration is required for part of the site
* Large amount of up-to-date information
* Design is logical, although a little dated
Disaster Resource
This US-based website serves the contingency planning and crisis management community.
It contains many articles related to disaster recovery, including topics on planning and risk assessment. You can also search for suppliers and specialists, although this is largely US-based.
* No registration needed
* Useful articles, but mainly aimed at US
* Some poor use of colours can make it difficult to read text/links at times
Contingency Planning & Management
Contingency Planning & Management is a US-based magazine, so many of its articles are available on the site. You can also search for products, services and vendors – again, largely US-focused – and there's an online forum, surveys, web links and Frequently Asked Questions.
* Registration required (free)
* Large amount of useful information
* Good design and a logical structure
Other useful sites
Association of Contingency Planners International:
Business Continuity Institute:
Disaster Recovery Institute:
The Facilities Business
Simon Ball is Communications Manager for Trammell Crow Savills and as such is involved in developing the company's global communications and Web strategy