I oversee four sites, each of which has a facilities manager reporting to me. Between them they have 43 staff. There are two sites in Luton — the 11,600m2 corporate head office of the Whitbread Group, and the HQ for the hotels division. The third is the restaurants division HQ in Dunstable and the fourth, the London office of the group, located at City Point in Moorgate.
What are your primary roles?
I am the primary interface between Johnson Controls and Whitbread. It was my job to set up the strategy and business plan and now to ensure we are delivering what we said we would. I have to ensure quality in delivery, that we meet our financial commitments, and that we use innovative methods. I am also responsible for promoting best practice via our centres of excellence. We have specialists in cleaning and catering, for example, with whom I liaise to bring in best practice.
Why did you move from accounting to facilities management?
After training as a management accountant, I realised I didn't want to pursue the financial director route. It was too restrictive. I got involved in team-building days and customer services programmes.I organised one for the senior facilities manager that led to me being invited on-board. I saw an opportunity to build on skills that were underutilised in finance — more interaction with people, for example. I was also able to help the facilities department to be more commercial.
Is a background in accountancy an advantage in your new role with Johnson Controls?
Yes. I can bring both my accounting background and a client perspective into the equation.
How does working for a supplier differ?
The main difference is I am working on a finite contract and have to continually improve. Johnson Controls is here to prove its performance and our fee depends on our performance. Also I have an opportunity to grow a business. As we prove ourselves in facilities management, we have the opportunity to do other work.
What's the benefit?
I am no longer an overhead. I am now working for a company whose core business is facilities management. In-house you have a nice life — but now I don't have to justify myself.
The Facilities Business