The Business Services Association's Norman Rose looks at employment and policy development
PPPs — the future model
Four pilot NHS Trusts are currently discussing with bidders a proposal that outsourced blue-collar soft service employees remain public sector employees seconded to the private sector. If the seconding arrangement works, it will be applied throughout future NHS PFI projects and there will be pressure on the government to use the same model in other parts of the public sector. Whatever decision is reached, it must not adversely affect PPP or disincentivise private companies from remaining involved in this market.

Public sector procurement
The Byatt review of local government procurement, published in June, is under consultation until 24 August. This process should strengthen some of the useful recommendations contained in a generally disappointing document. The full text can be found at:

The IPPR report proposes wider use of partnerships across government with less focus on asset-based PFI deals. The report challenges the client and contractor to consider first the interests of the customer and then to shape service delivery around their priorities. It is likely to result in new directions and policy from government.

Work dispute resolution
The government has published a consultation document setting out proposals for reform of the employment dispute resolution system. The aim of the consultation document is to analyse the causes of disputes, find ways of resolving them in the workplace without going to employment tribunals and enable tribunals to deal with an increased caseload. The deadline for responses to the consultation paper is 8 October 2001.

Tribunal charges
In July proposals were announced for employees to be charged £500 (up from £150) for bringing a case before an employment tribunal. The GMB union in particular has attacked these proposals, which are intended to curb the number of cases.

Accident investigation
The Health & Safety Commission has published a consultation document on introducing a new duty on employers to investigate the causes of workplace accidents — responses by 3 September 2001.

Lifelong learning
The new Learning and Skills Council has published its first corporate plan to increase participation in continuing education by young people and adults. It can be downloaded from http://www.