Hinkin fulfilled his 2000 ambition by setting up Black Architecture six years ago

Ten years ago you said that you would like to be running a business with a track record in sustainable design. Have you achieved this goal?

Yes, I set up Black Architecture six years ago with two other directors.

Where do you see yourself in another 10 years?

Doing more of the same but better, being seen as experts in the field of economic and social sustainability. Being more of a developer and delivering a high standard of service. We hope to win the Stirling Prize for the first truly sustainable building.

What is the biggest change in construction you have seen in the past decade?

The sustainability agenda. Environmental factors are much higher up the political agenda that they were 10 years ago. Everyone seems to claim expertise in this area. Big wins are for building owners in well designed buildings.

What has been your career highlight since 1999? And the lowpoint?

Setting up the new business was a hugely exciting yet terrifying time. A massive learning curve.

Ten years ago your hero was your professor Malcolm Parry. Is this still the case?

Yes, he was extremely instrumental in making me see architecture from a more analytical perspective, not just an aesthetic one. He definitely fired the spark in me.