It's a Monday morning battle with the M25 to get to west from east London. I am chairing a care services forum at our older people's village development at Denham in Buckinghamshire.
Excellent meeting – all the relevant stakeholders from both health and social services are sitting round the same table to plan future services, even the expert on Supporting People.
She is very good at bringing the guidelines to life and I begin to understand the difference between SP1s and SP3s.
Only have to contend with 20 per cent of the M25 as I head up the M1 to meet colleagues in the Midlands. We are opening a new-build sheltered housing with extra care scheme there this summer.
We agree a commissioning and implementation plan with council officers – this will keep us busy over the next three months.
Thank goodness for hands-free mobiles, as I am able to make good use of the journey home by staying in touch with colleagues.
The first time in my office for nine days, and it is good to be re-united with my old coffee mug.
The aim is to get to grips with my increasing mountain of admin tasks, but I log in and find 39 unread emails that I have to deal with first.
Have a quick meeting with development colleagues as we are being asked for additional information to supplement a recent tender bid.
I am contacted by officers of a local authority interested in Anchor's model of extra care, and eventually I arrange to meet them on Friday.
I manage to get the notes of Monday's meeting completed.
It's a very early morning walk for my dog, Oscar, as I have to be on the other side of London by 9am.
Anchor is meeting officers of a northern council who are interested in the retirement village concept, and they particularly want to visit Denham.
The presentation and discussion is lead by one of our directors, and my colleagues and I assist with the question and answer session.
A conducted tour of the village follows and then I visit one of the residents who has asked to see me.
I pop into a blood donor's session on the way home. I love the bit where I can legitimately rest, close my eyes and quietly contemplate, as I am a slow bleeder.
In the office for three hours, and make significant progress with outstanding administrative tasks, then off to the station to meet local authority officers to facilitate a scheme visit.
The station is busy, so we stay in touch by mobile to ensure that I don't accost any strangers.
They are impressed by both the design of our scheme and the modus operandi of the housing, care and support services.
The possible provision of intermediate care services within a sheltered housing scheme is a major item of discussion.
I head home early, excited that our daughter returns from university this weekend – it's true what they say, students really do save up a whole term's laundry as a present for their mums.
Housing Today
Anne Hughes is extra care and innovation manager, Anchor Trust
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