Longhurst Group cuts its deficit while East Northamptonshire counts the cost of contract loss

Lincolnshire-based Longhurst Group became one of the Housing Corporation’s 70 development partners this year, getting £322m of grant. It will spend the money building 600 or so homes over the next two years.

The group has reduced its deficit from £2.182m in 2003 to £1.765m in 2004; the bulk of the remaining deficit is created by stock transfer association East Northamptonshire Housing’s improvements programme.

In 2004, East Northamptonshire lost a contract with the council’s homelessness department, which had brought in £118,000 in 2003. However, it retained its care and repair contract with the council while care and repair staff from Longhurst Housing Association transferred to one of the area’s local authorities.

Havelok Housing Association joined Longhurst Group last year, so the figures below for the group are given with and without Havelok’s contribution.

Group turnover: £30.023m (2004); £28.930m (2003 with Havelok); £22.271m (2003 without)

Total units: 9494 (2004); 9883 (2003 with); 8171 (2003 without)

Group operating surplus: £1.658m (2004); £1.098m (2003 with) £350,000 (2003 without)

East Northamptonshire Housing deficit: £2.879m (2004); £2.736m (2003)

Longhurst Housing Association surplus: £643,000 (2004) £461,000 (2003)

Havelok Housing Association surplus: £456,000 (2004); £133,000 (2003)