Three more big names have joined the line-up of facilities and estates directors speaking at a conference organised by The Facilities Business later this month
Roy Galley, head of facilities management for the Post Office, the MoD's Mark Pedlingham, and Kay Chaston, from the prestigious Chiswick Park development in west London, The event – What Leading In-house Facilities Managers Expect from their Suppliers – is designed to enable suppliers to meet and listen to the key individuals responsible for contracts from some of the largest client organisations in the UK.

The conference will be addressed by Sion Latter, the man responsible for the 80m ft2 of space occupied by BT. Other key speakers include the head of facilities from Barclays (which has 2,000 properties), the head of facilities management at Citigroup (which has 31 office buildings and more than 3m ft2 of space), and the man in charge of the 2m ft2 estate occupied by British American Tobacco.

The conference will take place on 21 February at the CBI conference centre in London. For details and registration, contact Folio Consultants on 01372 841010.