Nearly 9000 council homes will transfer to housing association management this month, with a further 90,000 expected to change hands by the end of September.
Progress on the stock-transfer programme to date has been charted by the National Housing Federation's Transfers Today newsletter, which will be published next week at the Chartered Institute of Housing's annual conference in Harrogate.

Despite the high-profile rejection of stock transfer in Birmingham's ballot, around 93,600 homes will cross over to housing associations between July and September this year.

This is because Hackney and Harrow in London, Knowsley, Liverpool, Manchester, Redcar and Cleveland, St Helens, Vale Royal and Walsall councils have all had successful ballots.

There have also been "yes" votes in Waltham Forest, Bradford, Crewe and Nantwich, and Herefordshire, covering nearly 47,000 homes in total.

National Housing Federation projects manager Stephen Duckworth said the figures were small considering government targets of 200,000 homes a year in its new two-year programme. If votes on the 2002 programme are positive, around 180,000 homes will transfer, he added.

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