Want to get to grips with the future of the security industry? Fancy enhancing your career and promotional prospects? And how about developing those all-important professional management and leadership skills? Look no further than the Scarman Centre's new Foundation Degree in Security and Risk Management.
It's a fact that in today's commerical world financial realities often take precedence over logic. As far as security managers are concerned, this often translates to their hand being forced by the powers-that-be when it comes to assuming the 'burden' of other tasks. Tasks such as general facilities management, overseeing building contractors, looking after fire prevention and occupant health and safety, as well as a host of other responsibilities.

Health and safety, fire prevention/protection and security are obvious bedfellows, of course, but all of this places a huge demand on the manager's time. In many instances, their role can be reduced to one of merely 'treading water'. In such an environment, it's very often training and education that will have to be put on the back burner. A poor state of affairs, and a trend that must be stopped.

Thankfully, the renowned seat of learning that is the Scarman Centre may have come up with a solution for those managers who find it difficult to take time out for their own personal education and subsequent career development. Devised in conjunction with SITO, the security sector's dedicated National Training Organisation, the University of Leicester-based education provider has chosen this month to launch its all-new Foundation Degree in Security and Risk Management.

Structuring the degree
The course has been devised following extensive consultation with employers and the industry's foremost professional bodies. It is designed for study by distance learning, allowing managers to gain a Higher Education qualification without having to take the now-fashionable career break. Importantly, this format will also allow you to manage your studies to suit existing work commitments and your domestic life.

The Foundation Degree in Security and Risk Management is highly flexible, having been arranged in two levels (each of which contains six separate study modules).

Level One modules introduce the student to the key concepts and subject areas associated with security and risk management. There's an overview of both subjects, a look at security and risk concepts and applications and, when it comes to management, a full explanation of planning, organisation and leadership.

In addition, Level One modules also look at general management and communication skills, as well as the legal and ethical issues surrounding security and risk management. Security and risk management are then put into context by way of attendance at a regional study school. Combining lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials, the school allows you to meet up with tutors and fellow students and receive additional information and advice.

The Foundation Degree in Security and Risk Management will help you to enhance your career and promotional prospects, develop professional management and leadership skills and improve your personal effectiveness as a people manager

Each of the Level One modules will provide you with a solid grounding for the more specialised material covered in Level Two. It's the successful completion of this level of study that really provides students with the expertise needed for career progression within the security sector, as well as the knowledge that's essential if you're entertaining the notion of further study at graduate level and beyond.

Level Two modules cover crime in the workplace, security objectives: identification and planning, security and technology: systems and application, policy design, implementation and review and research methods (the knowledge gained from the latter is then bolstered by practical application at a designated study school).

Study programme delivery
A major part of the programme delivery is by way of interactive multimedia CD-Roms tailored to the course. The minimum computer specifications you'll need are a Pentium class CPU, 32 Mb RAM (although 64 Mb is recommended), a sound card and 2 x CD-Rom.

Text-based learning is also prominent, supported by constant academic guidance and tutor feedback. Assessment is by way of traditional assigned essays, journal reading and specific project work.

Importantly, you can choose a study schedule that suits your own needs and pace, undertaking the Scarman Centre's Foundation Degree learning programme over a period of between two and four years.

Entry requirements, fees and funding
The flexible structure of the Foundation Degree is designed to suit the varying needs of a wide range of applicants – be they employees in the security industry seeking a Higher Education qualification and career advancement, employees in related occupations looking for a career change or to improve their job prospects or those who are returning to management in the security sector following a career break.

Applicants will typically need 5 GCSEs at Grade C or above (or equivalent), NVQ Level 2, GNVQ Level 2 Plus or an access award. Don't worry if you can't meet these standards, though, as flexibility is also evident in the Scarman Centre's selection process. If you have previous experience of working in the security industry, for the police or the armed forces your application will receive due consideration.