Lisa has been appointed product marketing coordinator at Hanover Housing Association. Lisa was previously a senior marketing communications executive at Bookham Technology.
Lee Sugden
Lee has been appointed new director of corporate finance at Selhal Housing Group, based in Oldham. For the past four years Lee, a qualified accountant, has been assistant director of finance at Irwell Valley Housing Association.
Tom Clay
The new director of regeneration and new initiatives at Arena Housing is Tom Clay, former director of development and planning at Liverpool Housing Action Trust. Tom started out as an architectural assistant with Shelter's Neighbourhood Action Project, where he says contact with appalling housing conditions led him to a lifelong commitment to tackling poor housing and empowering people.
John Cornhill
Nomad Housing Group's new research and development officer is John Cornhill. John, a former housing consultant and assistant director of housing at Newcastle city council, joins Nomad on a part-time basis.
Mike Deering
Mike, who previously worked for Bellway Homes and Christiani & Nielsen, has joined the regeneration management team at Gleeson Regeneration. He is responsible for land-purchase assessments, preparing detailed budgets for procurement and valuation purposes, and the completion of site valuations and development projections.
Job of the week
Jacky Cotterhill
New job
Staff support officer, South Staffordshire Housing Association
Old job
Volunteer at Wolverhampton Citizens Advice Bureau
Job specification
“Visiting tenants, offering benefits advice, form filling, dealing with debt problems, writing to creditors – you name it, I do it. I also contact various charities to help some of our tenants in dire straits.”
Worst moment
“Being told by an elderly tenant that he was paid to kill for a living.”
Best moment
“We do a lot of work in sheltered accommodation schemes. Going through income details with people who are on very low incomes and being able to top up their income considerably is brilliant. The thanks you get is overwhelming.”
Which book has helped you most in your career?
“The Welfare Benefit Handbook is my bible.”
Who would you most like to interview and what would you ask them?
“I’d interview Tony Blair and ask him if he would be able to live on the £98.15 a typical pensioner has to live on each week on income support level.”
If you were housing minister, what would you do to improve the housing situation in the UK?
“I would reform housing benefit procedures because, in my opinion, most of my work is caused by problems with housing benefit.”
What’s your favourite pastime?
Got any career tips or advice?
“Get an insight into all walks of life. Doing voluntary work was the best thing I’ve done to achieve this.”
Housing Today
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