Mike Newton joins Broadway Malyan as regional director of its Weybridge office. Mike moves from his previous post as head of planning at the House Builders Federation and has more than 25 years of experience in planning.
Shendi McGreen
South Liverpool Housing has appointed Shendi McGreen as finance director. Shendi will move into an SLH property to get a feel for tenants' issues and says she is "looking forward to getting involved in my new neighbourhood."
Marcus Keys
Housebuilder Lovell has made Marcus Keys its new business improvement manager. Marcus will be responsible for project monitoring, benchmarking initiatives and customer satisfaction. His previous role was as partnering manager for Lovell's London region.
Howard Sinclair
Howard Sinclair is the chief executive of newly formed homeless charity Broadway. Previously director of Mencap Cymru, Howard has more than 14 years experience in the voluntary and statutory sector.
Oriel Gordon
Oriel Gordon joins social research and consultation company Vision 21 as a housing research expert. Previously at Macclesfield borough council where she worked as a research and policy officer on a number of housing research projects, Oriel will be consulting on stock transfer and local housing needs surveys.
Louise Oakley
Louise Oakley joins Touchstone housing association as a market and customer analyst. Louise previously managed research projects for the public and voluntary sectors at consultant UK Research Partnership.
Peter Jones
New job
Chief executive of Guernsey Housing Association
Previous job
Chief executive of Winchester housing group for 10 years
First job in housing
Surveyor with the original housing co-operatives in Liverpool
Who would you most like to interview and what would you ask them?
“I’d love to put prime minister Tony Blair on the psychiatrist’s couch – and there would be no end to the questions I would ask!”
If you were housing minister, what would you do to improve housing and regeneration in the UK?
“I would increase the supply of affordable housing and look to build at least 50,000 new homes each year. The chronic undersupply compounds the problem of getting people into any property, let alone the home that is right for them. Failing to crack the problem is one of the biggest government failures of the past 50 years.”
Favourite book
“Epitaph of a Small Winner by Machado Assis.”
Favourite film
“The Great Escape.”
“I am a trustee of Artsway, which is a gallery bringing contemporary visual arts into the New Forest area.”
What kind of house do you live in?
“I am an owner-occupier.”
Any advice for anyone moving into the sector?
“The quality of the service you provide determines the success of the organisation and the individuals who work for it. This should never be forgotten.”
Tell us something we don’t know
Well, I gave James Tickell his first job in housing …
Housing Today
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