Chris Baker looks at this week's movers and shakers
David Matthews
Staffordshire Housing Association has appointed a new finance director. David Matthews took up his post last week, and was previously finance manager for Birmingham Council.

David Weedon
David Weedon has joined Leicester Housing Association as regional manager (central). David was promoted from housing services team leader and will have responsibility for managing around 3000 homes in Leicestershire. His priority will be to tackle antisocial behaviour.

Macintyre moves
Debbie Stuart (left) joins MacIntyre Housing Association in Bedfordshire as supported housing manager. She previously worked as housing support team manager at Aldwyck Housing Association. Meanwhile Aileen Evans, director of housing services at MacIntyre's parent, Aragorn Housing Association, is to combine her role with being director of MacIntyre. She replaces Diane Henderson, who is joining the National Housing Federation as head of care, support and diversity.

Gary Sanderson
Gary Sanderson joins Progress housing group as director of its property services division. He has extensive experience in the energy supply and utility industry and hopes to make Progress a leader in providing gas servicing and installation to other housing associations in the North-west.

Dr Buddug Owen
Dr Buddug Owen is to continue as chairman of Clwyd Alyn housing association for another year. A retired consultant anaesthetist, she has already been chairman for four years.

Job of the week

Steve Walker
New job
Chief executive of Tower Homes and group director of regeneration and business initiatives at London & Quadrant
Previous job
Director of Tower Homes and director of regeneration at London & Quadrant
Role model
“Brian Clough [former manager of Nottingham Forest FC] for his ability to get the best out of people and to do the right thing for the right reason.”
If you could interview anyone, who would you choose and what would ask them?
“Dirty Harry from the Clint Eastwood film – I’d ask, did you fire five shots or six?”
If you were housing minister, what would you do to improve the housing situation in the UK?
“I would demolish every ugly mono-tenure estate and replace them with good-looking traditional street patterns and a 70/30 ownership/rent split. I would extend low-cost home ownership options to the masses to create generations of wealth.”
Favourite book
“The Traveller’s Tool by Sir Les Patterson.”
Favourite TV programme
“Crimewatch – just to make sure I’m not on it.”
Favourite film
“It’s a Wonderful Life.”
What is your housing situation?
“Filthy rich owner-occupier.”
Any advice or tips?
“Average is awful. Never compromise on quality. And complain about everything – customer service in this country must be improved.”