Name Andrew Sledge
New job Tenant liaison assistant, South Staffordshire Housing Association. "I work in conjunction with our tenants to ensure we provide a better service to them in all aspects of housing. I undertake a wide range of activities, everything from organising open days for our tenants, to undertaking questionnaires."
Previous job "I worked for a Christian charity called UCCF (Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship) for a year after graduation. I worked as a volunteer and was seeking to support and encourage students within the College Christian Union."
Favourite book "What is an Evangelical?, 'Left Behind' novel series."
Favourite television programme "Friends and Question of Sport."
Favourite films
"The Shawshank Redemption, Ronin and Gone in 60 Seconds."
If you were housing minister, what would you do to improve the housing situation in the UK? "Maybe provide financial help for first-time buyers in expensive areas, especially key workers."
Hobbies "I enjoy sport – hockey, cricket and football – going to the gym, reading and films."
What is your housing situation? "Owner."
Peter Head
Peter Head has become managing director of social housebuilder Osbourne’s homes division. He has been in the construction industry for 25 years.Ashley Morris and Ed Turner
Gordon McCorkindale
Regeneration expert Gordon McCorkindale has joined consultant Dearle and Henderson in Scotland. Formerly head of business support at Greater Easterhouse Development Company, he is also a director of Yorkhill Family House, which provides support and accommodation for families of patients at Yorkhill Children’s Hospital in Glasgow.Fiona Evans
Val Lewis-Williams
Former Californian real estate consultant Val Lewis-Willaims joins Yorkshire Metropolitan Housing as empty homes adviser. She previously sold luxury homes for millions of dollars in the most fashionable suburbs of Los Angeles.Source
Housing Today
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