Nineteen companies join recruitment site to create industry "focal point" and keep graduates in construction CITB to combat growing skills shortage with website
The Construction Industry Training Board is set to launch a website to keep construction graduates in the industry. The site,, will be available from next month. Its launch is planned to coincide with National Construction Week, on 15-21 October.

Marike Koppenol, project manager of designajob, said its aim is to provide a focal point for construction students and employers. "We want employers to create a community and students to use it as a resource throughout their university life," she said.

The site will have details of sponsorships, jobs and work experience from the companies featured on it. Students will be able to apply online to a particular company or to a talent pool for all firms to view. Companies can also add project information for students to use as research.

Other features will include industry news, provided by member companies, and a list of all undergraduate courses in construction.

Nineteen top construction companies have signed up to the site, including engineer Arup, construction manager Mace and contractors Taylor Woodrow and the Kier Group. Each company has its own microsite within the main site, including company and project information.

The CITB is also looking to sign up professional institutions, local authorities and universities to designajob and hopes to use the site to attract school and college leavers into construction in the future.

The site is free for students to use, although companies registered with it will be required to pay an annual fee. For details, email

The site is part of the Construction Graduate Consortium, a group formed as a result of the Making Connections crisis summit on the recruitment and retention of graduates, held in January this year.