I read with great interest both the letter written by a reader (6 October, page 38) and your blog on section 106 restraints in the retirement sector.

It is a subject of great concern to retirement homes specialists, particularly when examining the need for sheltered accommodation owing to an increasing proportion of the population aged 65 and over. This is projected to increase from 16% in 2006 (9.7 million people) to 23% by 2031(15.3 million people).

Given this, our main concern regarding section 106 restraints is the excessive amounts requested as a financial contribution towards affordable housing. These demands in some cases prevent the need for sheltered housing to be met.

The letter does not take into account the need for sheltered housing and misses the point of the overall benefits to sheltered housing and the local communities.

Sheltered housing gives rise to many social benefits by providing a purpose-built environment for local elderly people, reducing anxieties and worries, providing companionship, helping them maintain an independent lifestyle as well as having knock-on effects on the demand for health and social services and freeing up more family homes in the housing chain.

Spencer McCarthy, chairman and group managing director, Churchill Retirement Living
