What is your favourite website?
Funny-poems.co.uk (for kids). An excerpt: “When I took my zebra to Tesco, It got scanned by mistake at the till, How I wish I'd discovered the error, Before I'd settled the bill …”
What is your favourite meeting place?
Non digital – a nice pub please
What are you currently watching?
£97.82p’s worth of food and drink from Ocado (not willing to divulge the proportion spent on each)
What are your most played iTunes?
Ode to Billie Joe and other Tammy Wynette classics – all so absurdly sad – they always cheer me up
What was the last book you bought online?
Dirty Bertie by David Roberts – a modern cautionary tale
Email, Twitter or scented letter?
Telepathy, email or txt – telepathy most reliable
Cressida Toon is a founder of Sonnemantoon
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