Two points arising from Rudi Klein's wishlist ("C'mon everybody", 23 January, page 49).
He would like the definition of "dispute" to be that "there is a dispute once money is claimed, unless or until there is an admission that a sum is due and payable". This would mean that a party could put in a claim and immediately refer it to adjudication without giving the other party any opportunity to consider it. This cannot be right. The other party must have a reasonable chance to respond, otherwise it will be involved in an expensive and troublesome adjudication when it may be perfectly prepared to accept part, or even all, of the claim if given time to consider it.

Also, Rudi would like adjudicators to be given jurisdiction to decide whether or not there is a dispute. The question of whether there is a dispute that can be referred to adjudication is itself a dispute, so the adjudicator already has jurisdiction to decide that question.