I am writing to inform you of a spelling mistake in your edition dated 2 April 2004.
In an article on Page 10, referring to the possibility of using rape seed oil as green fuel, Mark Whitby is quoted as saying "It then occurred to me that getting it on The Archers would be the best way to get people talking about it."

Surely this should have read ''It then occurred to me that getting it on The Archers would be the best way to get people talking about me."

I first became interested in the possibilities of free publicity when one of my children asked about it during a car journey. After some research, I discovered that it was easier to get column inches in an award-winning magazine by writing a regular column than, say, delivering £5.6m of profit and meeting market expectations, much as my own company had recently done (relegated to page 17 on the edition of 12 March).

I then wondered who could have leaked this information to the press. Could it be somebody from the Whitbybird organisation, or are we looking at another government mole? Leeks, moles … wait, I have an idea …

Dear Ms Camilla Fisher,
I wondered if your friends at Eastenders would like a new story line (not to be released for two years ) about a resurrected Arthur Fowler having problems with moles eating the leeks on his allotment …

Maybe not!
Could you also please withhold my name and company as I wouldn't like to be accused of trying to obtain free publicity.